$1,997.00 USD

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Brand Anatomy 1:1

This is a fully immersive and personalized brand coaching and strategy offer of 4 deep-dive sessions.

Think business school meets design school meets gutsy branding strategy sprinkled with passionpreneurs wanting to do cool sh*t in the world with clarity and confidence.

• Learn the visceral why and purpose behind your business
• Identify the DNA, guts, vitals, and behaviors of your brand
• Get crystal clear on your brand pillars (vision, mission, values)
• Learn to apply brand clarity to your business (offer architecture, marketing, design decisions, etc.)
• Build confidence in all your branding decisions once and for all
• Walk away with a marked-up workbook + final blueprint for the long-term future of your brand

Suggested timeline:

• Best results come from 4 consecutive weekly sessions
• Each session is approximatley 2 or 2.5 hours long


• The cost is $1997 (it is also a prerequisite to brand with me.) I want you to be as committed to this month of work together—getting real and clear about every detail of your brand as I am. These sessions are chock full of raw conversations, strategy, and branding homework. It is not for the faint-hearted.