The purpose of your Brand Anatomy work is to... 

:: Provide clarity on your mindset in business and being
:: Learn the visceral why and purpose behind your business 
:: Identify the DNA of your brand as it relates to your entire business—brand strategy and brand visuals
:: Get crystal clear on your brand pillars (think vision, mission, values, target audience)
:: Learn to apply brand clarity to your business (think design decisions, offer architecture, marketing, social, etc.)
:: Learn very basic design principles as a non-designer to organize and start your brand
:: Shift your cultural understanding of what it takes to be an entrepreneur with the anti-hustle mindset
:: Find intentional and joyful expression of self through meaningful work and healthy boundaries
:: Walk away with a marked-up workbook and final blueprint for the long-term future of your brand

 Brand Anatomy IS FOR YOU...

:: if you are an ambitious, creative passionpreneur who wants to get clear on their brand strategy as well as brand visuals.

:: if you want a brand with guts, clarity, and action to move forward, and close the open tabs in your brain for good.

:: if you are excited to dig in and dissect your brand mission, vision, target audience, and visuals to have a kick-ass and intentional brand blueprint.

:: if you know that branding is a critical step to find purpose and to shine in business and being—you just need a roadmap and accountability.

:: if you don't want to reinvent the wheel on what to say/how to present your brand every. single. time. you have to interact with your target audience.

:: if you are ready to master your mind through self-inquiry, worksheets, action steps, and continuous excavation work to level up your branding.

:: if you are new to brand clarity work and want to make business decisions with visceral gut yeses, lean into your zone of genius and set yourself up to shine. 

intentional + deep

Brand anatomy is not for the faint-hearted. This work is not going to be easy, but will result in a beautifully distilled brand where you do not question anything you do, but keep moving forward in alignment with your visceral why and purpose.

concise + guided

While most online work requires self-discipline, this brand anatomy content is structured to have the perfect cadence of videos, handouts, books, office hours, and accountability check-ins to keep you on track and progressively build your brand up. 

sustaining + magical

Brand clarity comes from all your hard work completing the modules, but as with everything worth doing in life—you also have to trust the magic of beginnings, lean into the unknown, and believe that the process will guide you to your sustainable future. 

Is this you?

:: your brand feels off or you have outgrown your DIY aesthetic and vibe.

:: you are on the cusp of something great but feel paralyzed to jump in.

:: you are exhausted wearing all the entrepreneurial (especially branding) hats and want a guide and accountability partner to build a sustainable brand.

:: you are tired of blending in but don't know enough about strategy and design to build your dream brand.

:: you want to uplevel your brand, create more sales, and feel confident with where you are going with your brand.

So what is Brand Anatomy?

It is a 10-week online course that provides:

:: dripped content (live for 10 weeks: 5 modules broken down with implementation weeks, lifetime access)
:: videos, handouts, homework, books, and podcast links to support everything you are learning
:: a private group for community / weekly office hours (only live for 10 weeks)
:: final blueprint for the future of your brand


What will I learn in Brand Anatomy?

Each week covers a different facet of your brand identity.

Some weeks are more challenging than others, but the work is designed to give you fun stuff, implementation time, and breaks between the sifting and heavy lifting so you can love the process. Each week we will keep progressing but you will have lifetime access to the content (note that office hours are only available for 10 weeks while we are live).

module 1

clarity + audit

Provide clarity on your mindset. Organize yourself. Eliminate decision fatigue. Audit your brand, create focus, and set goals to pursue the most relevant path for your brand. Tap into your flow of energy to sustainably move forward.

Sections covered: mindset work + goal setting + brand clarity + brand audit

Remember that you are water.
Cry, cleanse, flow, let go.

module 2

brand dna

Explore the reason for your brand being. Figure out your inner visceral why, align with your brand archetype, and get clear on your brand DNA. Step into the fire, adopt, take a stance. Own your vision and mission in this world.

Sections covered: visceral why + brand archetype + vision + mission + values + visual research

Remember that you are fire. 
Burn, tame, adopt, ignite. 

module 3

brand guts

Create languaging around your core operating logic with guts. Observe where you stand amongst the competition. Decide for yourself who you are and root down with confidence. Build from the inside out. 

Sections covered: target audience + positioning + offer architecture + tone + voice + more

Remember that you are earth. 
Ground, give, build, heal.

module 4

brand vitals

Identify and clarify the elements that make your brand uniquely yours. Infuse basic design principles into your brand and make informed and aligned visual and design decisions anchored in clarity and confidence.

Sections covered: design principles + strategy vs. visuals + brand elements (logo, colors, fonts) 

Remember that you are air. 
Observe, breathe, focus, decide.

module 5

brand behavior

Understand the market you are serving and how to communicate outwardly in a healthy way to maintain a sustainable brand. Create boundaries to manage your brain. Create space and intention to make a meaningful impact.

Sections covered: marketing and communication materials + final brand blueprint 

Remember that you are spirit. 
Connect, listen, know, be still. 

Nothing changes, if nothing changes.

Listen, every brand can get cleaned up. Even if yours have changed logos and directions or have messy stories or unclear offerings. If you invest in the foundation and DNA of your brand—it will show up in your products, service, design, and quality of your work. Let me ask you this: from the outside looking in—would you trust to work with your own brand if you did not know anything about it?

What do you get?

You will feel that this big, heavy, organizational, branding business mess sitting atop your chest has lifted. You will no longer have decision fatigue. You will feel lighter and happier to regain your purpose and build a solid brand foundation to refer back to. You will make aligned decisions for your business simply and effortlessly every day. You will get various content/teachings on each module. You will have a closed community of other doing the program with you and weekly office hours while the program is live.

Big picture:
:: F
ocus and clarity on your mindset in business and being.
:: Brand blueprint for the future so you can get back to doing what you love. 
:: Crystal clear brand pillars (vision, mission, values, and more) to make aligned decisions and keep moving forward instead of second-guessing yourself. 
:: Online learning environment that pushes you to ask biz questions you have not yet considered. 
:: Connection and purpose to allow your brand to shine sustainably with the right people, tools, services, and look. 

What is your investment?

The masterclass starts in September 2024. The weekly content drip and teachings are followed by an implementation week—so you can pace yourself and succeed. The program will be open to all and live with support for 10 weeks. You are expected to show up 2-3 times a week, for approximately one hour each time. After 10 weeks the content will be available for you to view and work through but the live support will be removed. This is to hold you accountable for doing the work while we are together. Your investment financially is $1297. 

Your further commitment is to:
:: be open and coachable 
:: be willing to take personal responsibility (it's not someone else's business, brand, or mess to fix)
:: be willing to work hard
:: have a positive, strong work ethic

The more you are in it—the more you can put the puzzle pieces together in the most efficient time frame.


"Show up. Do the work. Trust this masterclass and Réka as your guide.

I went through Réka’s brand anatomy masterclass in the midst of deciding to rebrand my existing business in a way that felt truer to not only my craft but my heart. I was having a difficult time explaining and bringing to life what I knew had been inside of me for years, and I needed a guide.

The thought-provoking exercises and Réka’s intuitive insight and guidance pushed me through the discomfort of resistance and gave me the clarity and courage to look at and name what was holding me back, who I really, deeply am to my core, and what kind of life and business I want to create.

Now I have a mission, vision, values, and voice that resonate with me and are bringing to life the “me” and the work I always pictured.

Be honest and kind to yourself. Do the work, again, and again, until your vision makes your soul sing. I promise it’s inside of you. It often just takes a wise, kind guide to bring it out."

Katie, owner of Ordinarie Fare

Ready to get clear?

If you think there will be a better time—there won't.

If you think you can wear all the entrepreneurial hats and also be a super great partner, parent, and friend—you can't. Not because you are not a magical unicorn—worthy of all things great in life—but because you can't build a house without its foundation, and you can't build a brand without dissecting its parts.

The moment you dig deep into your brand anatomy with guts, courage, and intention—you will flow in your business with confidence and certainty instead of questioning everything to say, every offer to add or change, what your brand looks like visually, and what your core values are. This work will set your business and life free.

Let's set you up for brand brilliance and to shine! Don't you think it's time?

"We put words to things I have been thinking about for a while now.

As a creative, you don't always take the time to analyze your business because you have to grind and get your work done. Over the course of the brand clarity sessions, I was able to peel back all of my thoughts and work patterns, put words to who I really want to be in my business, and stop being everything to everyone. It's quite freeing to actually hone in on those core values! This work has allowed me to focus on my business and create with clarity and courage."

Ben, owner of JRNYMN Productions 

The time is now.

Let's do this.

You scrolled down this far, so let's face it. You already know this is your coveted next step for your business. Click below to transform your business and being from the inside out.


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